Welcome to our annual Advent concert series! Local performers contribute their gift of music as we prepare our hearts for Christmas, and support a local charity. Once again, we are pleased that donations will support the work of the Victoria Hospice Bereavement Fund.
In addition, this year's concert series is in loving memory of the series founder, musician and vocal teacher, Catherine McFadden Dunning Young.
In light of the recent Public Health Order suspending social and religious gatherings until December 7, we still hope to offer these concerts as live streams, subject to the availability of the performers. So tune in to the live stream at www.stmarysoakbay.ca/live.
And please, don't forget to honour these performers' gift of music by donating in support of the Victoria Hospice Bereavement Fund:
Donate to Victoria Hospice (support our charity partner online, powered by CanadaHelps)