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Our warm neighbourhood gathering of word-lovers returns after a long hiatus for a new season!  Come and share a favourite song, poem, or short tale of 3-5 minutes written by someone other than yourself. Or just come to listen and enjoy!

After Hours Coffee House takes place on the third Saturday of most months, beginning February 15, 2025, and is hosted by Cynthia Woodman Kerkham and Yvonne Blomer.

After Hours is a monthly neighbourhood coffeehouse with songs, stories, poems and prose on a rotating theme. All are welcome to listen or join in. Note: this is not a literary open mic. Though local authors do participate, we are all readers sharing work we enjoy and admire. We meet on the third Saturday of most months at 1:30  pm at Churchmouse Bookshop in St Mary’s, Oak Bay, 1701 Elgin Rd.

Subscribe below and select the Churchmouse Newsletter group to get regular updates on upcoming dates and themes.

“Begin Again” is February’s theme

We will begin again, return, reshape, walk new paths or old ones in new ways. Come to listen and to share poems, music and tales of beginnings.