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Join us in person and online as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, God's presence among us, and the Light that guides us even in the shadowed times and places of our world. Tonight we will hear the Story told, sing songs of celebration and wonder, and light the candles that symbolise the Hope that we have, and that we live.

Note: The live stream will appear at the bottom of this post.

  • Presider & Preacher: The Venerable Craig Hiebert
  • Assistants: The Rev'd Dyan Davison and The Rev'd Dr John Macquarrie
  • Lay Eucharistic Minister: Tony Barlow and David Stewart
  • Readings: Jackie Hiebert, Pauline Samoszynski, Elizabeth Bergen, Mary Huxley
  • Musicians:  Michelle Naidu, Sue Gill, Kate Rhodes, Elizabeth Fehr, Mary Lawrence, Rachel Bergen, Pauline Samoszynski, Bob Gill, David Stewart
    and organist Curt Bergen

Readings:  Isaiah 9. 2-7  •  Psalm  98  •  Luke 1. 26-35, 38  •  Luke 2. 1-7  •  Luke 2. 8-20  •  John 1. 1-5, 10-14   

The Collection Plate
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