Join us online as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, God's presence among us, and the Light that guides us even in the shadowed times and places of our world. Tonight we will hear the Story told, sing songs of celebration and wonder, and light the candles that symbolise the Hope that we have, and that we live.
Music by the St Mary's Singers, St Mary's Virtual Choir, and Curt Bergen, organist and Music Director. Prayers and readings from a wide range of our dispersed family: William and Nathan, Dash and Dart, Lucas and Daniel, John, Elizabeth, and Jackie. Leading from St Mary's chancel and garden tonight will be The Rev'd Dyan Davison, our priest associate, and The Rev'd Canon Craig Hiebert, our incumbent priest.
"O come, let us adore him"
The Collection Plate (donate online via CanadaHelps)
If you're watching the service video, you may like to follow along by downloading the worship leaflet. The link will appear below the video when it's closer to service time.