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UPDATE March 16, 2020: In order to protect the public, all public events in Anglican churches are cancelled, and the facilities closed to the public, for 60 days. Keep checking back, as we investigate ways to remain connected in other ways during these challenging times.


A seminar-style course for anyone who is at a point of readiness to ask some challenging questions about faith, or for anyone whose life experience has led to these questions—this course invites those very questions. Using as a framework the book Living the Questions: The wisdom of progressive Christianity (David M. Felton and Jeff Procter-Murphy, HarperOne: 2012), the discussion will be facilitated by a wide array of characters from local parishes and ministries. Everyone will have an opportunity to contribute to the exploration.

Living the Questions (a copy is included in the course fee) is written at an accessible level while still holding to a rigorous examination of important issue to faith and formation.


$60 (includes a copy of Living the Questions)

Dates and topics

  • Week 1: March 7
    Taking the Bible Seriously
    History of the Church
  • Week 2: March 14
    Who is Jesus?
    Evil, suffering & a God of Love
  • Week 3: March 28
    Atonement: What did Jesus do for us?
    Forgiveness & Reconciliation – Justice, mercy, truth, peace
  • Week 4: April 4, Transformation
    Intimacy with the Divine & Practices of Prayer
    Mending the World

Structure of the sessions

0915 Refreshments available
0930 Gather and housekeeping etc.
0940 Session 1
1040 Break
1050 Session 2
1150 Worship

Contact Christ Church Cathedral office to register and arrange to pick up your copy of Living the Questions.