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[NOTE: Due to unforeseen circumstances, this Sunday's worship service will not be live streamed. We apologize for the inconvenience

Join us in person as we give our thanks and praise to God.

  • Presider: The Rev'd Dr John Macquarrie
  • Preacher: The Rev'd Dyan Davison
  • Lay Eucharistic Ministers: David Stewart and Tony Barlow
  • Readings & Prayers: Gillian Fosdick and Sean Steele
  • Musicians: St Mary's Singers and organist Neil Cardew-Fanning

Readings:  Genesis 15. 1-12, 17-18 •  Psalm  27 •  Philippians 3. 17 - 4. 1 •  Luke 13. 31-35

The Collection Plate
(donate online via CanadaHelps)