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[NOTE: Due to unforeseen circumstances, this Sunday's worship service will not be live streamed. We apologize for the inconvenience - watch for the weekly updates, as live streams may be sporadic for the next couple of weeks.]

Join us in person as we give our thanks and praise to God.

  • Presider: The Rev'd Dyan Davison
  • Preacher: The Rev'd Dr John Macquarrie 
  • Lay Eucharistic Minister: David Stewart
  • Readings & Prayers: Christina Watkins and Elizabeth Bergen
  • Musicians: St Mary's Singers and organist Curt Bergen

Readings: Isaiah 43. 1-7  •   Psalm 29  •  Acts 8. 14-17  •   Luke 3. 15-17, 21-22

The Collection Plate
(donate online via CanadaHelps)